Tuning for MultiSystem II
The new Tuning for MultiSystem wireless remote uses either an iPhone or iPod and can be taken from job to job. It is as if you have the entire console in your hands. TFM immediately learns the stoplist from the MultiSystem processor and can even double as a mobile phone! Every stop is easily available from the intuitive interface and stops from different divisions may be played simultaneously.
With Tuning for MultiSystem you can carry out routine or thorough tuning and voicing work from within the heart of the instrument without need of a keyholder. Simple operation and total portability ensure that you can concentrate on the quality of your work.
For more extensive control we also offer the Organ Portal which adds a ful size keyboard and a touchscreen computer for registration. Ideal for voicing as demonstrated by John Panning from Dobson Organbuilders while voicing the new organ at St. Thomas, New York.
Flexibility of an app
Choosing the setup page and the stop section allows you to choose any number of stops from a simple selector wheel. The stops are sorted by division with full stop names to avoid confusion. On the main screen a large NEXT button is complimented by a Back button, Rewind button (start at the beginning) and Mute for when the phone becomes a phone again.